Saturday, September 29, 2007

The Assistant CEO

Helping small business owners learn the success mindset is the first step.
the second is the terror barrier and how to move towards success
Getting support

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Attracting people from all over the world

This morning, I received an email saying that a new affiliate has joined from South Africa. How great is that!

Monday, September 17, 2007

Effective Actions

Are the activities that you do taking you closer to your goals or further away? Do you even ask yourself that question each day?

The SECRET: Write down 6 action achieving steps each day AND do them. Not rocket science. It doesn't require hard work although that may be an element, it requires doing things in a certain way.

Each night before you go to bed, make your list of 6 items for the next day

Sept 20 -

Friday, September 14, 2007

How to start a business using the law of attraction

Amazing how the law of attraction works and how fast!

My son started his new business today. He found out he was going into business when he revceived a call this morning requesting his services. I was on a mastermind call with a Life Success Coach who wanted to hold an event that would benefit Habitat for Humanity in January 2008. Bob Proctor suggested to hold the event in Florida as Canada might be too cold.

In my mind, I already knew where to hold the event, Fort Lauderdale, Florida. My oldest son, is enrolled in the Masters Program at Florida International University, in Hospitality & Tourism Management. He has been working in event management, catering, bartending, and has been in charge of volunteers at the South Beach Food and Wine Festiveal. He knows the industry, is good at what he does and I know he will pull off a fantastic event.

Right after the mastermind was over, I called my son & told him his first client would be calling him in a few minutes for his new business. We laughed. Then he told me that a friend had suggested he start his own business and was going to call me to see what he needed to do to get started.

The law of attraction at it's best.

Interesting, the day before a friend suggested he start his own business. That was quick!

Too many times we think we have to do something or force a solution. See how easy it can be?

Saturday, September 8, 2007


Today, we raced it felt good to be on the water

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Giving to others

One of greatest pleasures is to give to others without any expectation of return. It must be one of the keys to happiness as there is nothing that feels better. The feeling of giving is satisfying, rewarding and soul soaring.

Monday, September 3, 2007

Science of Getting Rich Masterminds

Secret Science of Getting Rich Masterminds will be forming.

Teaching this material to others really excites me. Studying the Science of Getting Rich Program by Bob Proctor, has my life soaring. I have become and am becoming the person I always wanted to be!

Saturday, September 1, 2007

It's great when people start to get this

My friend Cindy watched the movie the Secret & is changing her life. We had breakfast together & it's great to see the positive changes