Saturday, July 28, 2007

We all have secrets.
We all keep secretes from ourselves.
What! You say you don't keep secrets from yourself?
You may not realize that you keep secrets from yourself, but you do.
Our minds are funny that way.
We think we see something the way it "is" only to find out that it really isn't
Why is that so?

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Secret Revealer

July 26, 2007 marks the date of my first blog!
I am quite proud of myself.
See, an old dog can learn new tricks!
I am the secret revealer.
Do you know what secret I am talking about?
It will change your life forever and you won't want it to stop
The secret revealer will reveal the secret slowly
and it may not be evident unless you are ready to receive it
Are you ready?