Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Play a bigger, better game

Want to play a bigger, better game? Upgrade the people you spend time with. Want to play a better game of golf? Play with those that play a better game than you.

Seek a mentor (or two) that are doing what you want to do, and doing it better, accomplishing more. Watch what happens when you do that! You will be out of your comfort zone. You mind may tell you that you like it just the way it is and that you will retreat back to the way you were.
Only trouble is, once you are aware that you could be, do or have more and you begin to study material that helps you grow, you'll be hooked.

Do I do this in my own life? You bet. Right now I am attracting just the right mentors to take me to a place of greater success. My ultimate goal is to become a Life Success Consultant & Coach. In my mind, I was thinking that I had to wait to go through the training in order to start.

This past weekend, I had an ahaaah - I have already started. Frequently I am asked for help;
what business to go into, how to start a business, how to handle this situation or that situation.
Other have been saying that I would make a great coach.

"I'm listening" as Dr. Frazier Crane used to say to his on air guests. I was listening to what others were saying. My next challenge is to structure my consulting coaching business, to structure a huge, professional successful business.

The last few months I have been a consultant to small businesses, helping a small pool company grow. It's fun to be able to identify what can be done to grow a business, and the mindset that holds them back. I've been there, done that growing 8 or 9 businesses, one to over $20,000,000.00 in today's dollars.

That's what separates me from the crowd - working on the mindset as much as the business.

The law of attraction already has my mentor(s) on their way to me. I'll let you know.

To get started: 7 Free lessons from the teachers of "The Secret"

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